Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Caramia Gelateria: Nocciola Gateau & Pistaccio Cioccolato

There’s one coffee shop now that I would frequent. Actually it’s a gelateria – a café for gelato aficionados. It’s called Caramia Gelateria, which is Italian for “my dear”, and it’s of the Amici group.  

I have not been to Amici either. But here in Caramia, I’ve been enjoying their cakes as of late. I guess my taste buds got a little tired of the BreadTalk taste and so it clamored for something different, something new.

So far I’ve tasted two and both are de-lish J

Nocciola Gateau 

“Hazelnut cheese cream and dark chocolate filling nestled between layers of crispy meringue speckled with cocoa powder and chocolate curves on top and crushed hazelnut on the side” –

Pistaccio Cioccolato

Lightly roasted pistaccio nuts and rich chocolate

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